Charles Salter was my main focus in 2016
This post uses the Geneameme 2016 list as a border around which to reflect on my 2016 that was. In doing so my paddock is fenced by just a few of the suggested Geneameme 2016 talking points. Ruth feels at home when she turns west onto the Hamilton Highway. I also feel the same tension disappear when…
Autosomal DNA and Probability
The general wisdom is that matches on autosomal DNA are only accurate for up to four or five generations (or to second cousins). Beyond this limit any matches that may occur probably occur by chance, not by inheritance. This is because there is always the probability that any match of any kind of 5% or…
Canberra Congress – Emigration
The gate by the milking shed was left open. So just for a few days my horizons have changed from looking at land selection records in South Western Victoria – mostly within the triangle Portland, Hamilton and Warrnambool for that is where my ancestors settled. The vista and the beckoning horizons were set there right…